Due to the impact of COVID health restrictions on our services and the major impact on youth mental health it has been very difficult to provide our Schools Programme to all the schools and organisations that have requested access. Following consultations with schools and colleges and our own advisory panel we decided in 2021 that we needed to find a better way of providing access to our Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention workshops to students with better value for money and easier access. So we are delighted to announce a new way of providing our Schools Programme, The Let's Talk about Mental Health Video Presentation.
Working with John Sharpson, aka Múinteoir John, and Macalla Teo, one of Ireland's leading production companies, we now have an engaging video presentation of our Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention talk that can be booked through this website and then played to up to 50 times over 100 days through a standard web browser in your classroom or meeting space.
Please feel free to make a booking if you would like to review the video for suitability for your needs.
Our new video presentation has many benefits:
29th September 2024
Written by Dr Hannah Farnsworth this magazine provides guidance on common mental health issues with coping strategies and support information. Topics covered include Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Bullying & Cyber-bullying, Warnings Signs of Mental Health Crises and an introduction to Active Listening.
This guide is written by a registered medical practitioner and is suitable for ages 16+. Parents are advised to read the guide before letting under 16s have access.
The full magazine is available to read or download at or by clicking HERE.
26 August 2024
The Charity's Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for the 2023 financial year (1st November 2022 to 31st December 2023) have been approved by the Board of Trustees and registered with The Charities Regulator.
The full report is available to read or download by clicking HERE
Find out more by visiting our programme website at or calling us on 1800 828 888 or emailing
Find Out MoreDue to the huge increase in mental health issues since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic funds raised from our Skydive For Life 2023 are going to fund our new Youth Crisis Counselling Programme which will pay for fast, free, access to local counsellors and psychologists for young people in crisis or at immediate risk of suicide or self-harm..
Like most charities we have been overwhelmed by contacts from parents, teachers and teenagers since the start of the COVID-19 lock-down. We have received a 312% increase in requests for urgent crisis support or intervention since the start of the pandemic. So the Trustees have allocated funding to develop and support a new free Crisis Counselling Programme which will fund immediate access to two sessions of crisis counselling, with a registered counsellor, psychotherapist or psychologist, for young people in crisis or at immediate risk of suicide.
This programme is by referral from a GP only. Full information is available at
As the lease on our main office was due to expire and a significant rent increase would be required to retain it, the Trustees agreed that new premises should be found. One small benefit of the pandemic was that office space was available at significantly reduced rental costs. It was agreed that larger offices would be leased with space for a resource centre, training room and administration. Last March premises were found on New Street, Killarney, Co Kerry and the training centre has been fitted out over the last few months, mostly by volunteers.
The Trustees agreed that this would become the National Mental Health Training Centre and be the hub for our outreach and training services during the pandemic and, once the pandemic subsided, the Centre could also be used for training courses and other awareness events.
This is the main training area for workshops, meetings and webinars. This training room has full audio-visual facilities including a 75" 4K monitor for presentations, video lighting and high definition cameras. It can be laid out in theatre style (as shown) or for seminars with individual desks or for meetings in conference layout.
We have set aside a Chat Room which is comfortably furnished for quiet conversation, one on one discussions, or just as a quiet space for participants and staff. The conversation room is sound-proofed and has privacy glass fitted, although for safety the room is monitored by cctv.
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Our programmes are targeted at our core client group of children and adolescents up to age 20 but are available to ANYONE who is in crisis or at-risk of suicide or self-harm. Our main service areas are shown below
We provide a comprehensive schools programme for teachers and students
We provide specialist websites and resources for mental health awareness and suicide prevention.
We run public outreach events and seminars for parents, organisations and the public
We provide crisis information and FreeText services and immediate access to counselling
Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland has been working for over 18 years to provide free education and training services to schools and colleges around Ireland. According to the World Health Organisation's 2016 report suicide is the 2nd highest cause of death amongst young people across the World. Sadly Ireland is not spared from this problem which affects almost every community in the country.
In the European Union during 2015, according to Eurostat, there were approximately 56,000 reported deaths by suicide making it one of the leading causes of death. Males accounted for 43,000 of those deaths or 76%.
According to research by UNICEF published in 2017 Ireland has the fourth highest teen suicide rate in the EU/OECD region. The organisation's latest report card on well-being of young people found that Ireland's suicide rate amongst adolescents aged 15 to 19 was 10.3 per 100,000 population and ranks well above the national country average of 6.1 per 100,000.
Schools and teachers are so important to the development of personality, social skills and self-worth in a young person. The WHO states that among the six most important ways of reducing suicide rates is through School-based Interventions.
The Four Steps to Help Programme that we facilitate to schools has been running for 11 years now and in that time we have worked with around 226 schools across the country to provide a comprehensive resource for teachers and students.
Download Latest 2023 Audited Accounts and Annual ReportClick the categories below to get more information about each service and links to specific web pages
Texting 50015 is free of charge from any network and you can text this number even if you have no credit. This service is fully confidential and YSPI has no information on mobile numbers that use the FreeText service. The FreeText service is provided and supported by NeonSMS, Little Island, Cork.
For information on:
If you need help or support please visit our website for information and contact numbers.
In case of an emergency
Always call 999 if someone is seriously ill or injured, and their life is at risk.
Gardaí / Ambulance / Fire call 999 or 112
Please use this for to contact us. We will normally respond within 60 minutes during office hours. If you want a callback then please leave your mobile number.
Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland was founded in 2007 as there were no national charities focusing specifically on the problems and issues of youth suicide and self-harm in Ireland.
We have never received a euro in public money in all the time we have been working for the young people of Ireland. All our funding comes from personal supporters so we understand the trust they put in us because we know if we don't live up to that trust there will be no state agency there to bail us out. As of 1st January 2024, the end of our last financial year, it costs us 13c per €1 to run the charity so 87c or 87% of funds we receive are available to fund programmes like the Let's Talk Programme or the Youth Crisis Counselling Service. Our main administrative expenditures are insurance and auditing.
Our Board of Trustees are all volunteers and receive no salary or compensation of any kind for their time and service. Our Trustees are entirely independent and they are not related to each other in any way. Our Trustees do not have charity credit cards or any kind of direct access to charity funds but they have total access 24/7 to the charity's financial records and books so they can assure themselves that your donations are being spent properly.
Our charity registration is 20070670 and can be verified with the Irish Charity Regulator We are a tax-exempt charitable trust approved by the Irish Revenue Commissioners under charity number CHY18438 and the charity is also an approved body under the Charities Donation Scheme.
Our registered office details are: Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland, 83A New Street, Killarney, Co Kerry V93 FR59.
Our contact details are 1800 828 888 Our office hours are Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm.
Our Board of Trustees as at are Nelius Enright (Chair), Yvonne Higgins (Secretary), Alan Redmond, Cristian Pop. Our Administrator is Gerard Foley.
This site is monitored 24/7/365 by, our preferred partner for website monitoring.